Surin National Museum was established by the National Museum of the City. Surin exhibits of past and present is divided into 5 subjects.

Exhibition zone 1: Natural Science

This exhibition zone presents physical of Surin province, including current condition of geography, climate, geology feature, and natural resources such as minerals, water, forests, wildlife. Together with, rice exhibition is also presented due to Surin is one of famous place in producing Jasmin rice.
Exhibition zone: 2 Archeology

This exhibition zone presents the development of people from prehistoric period to the present according to the evidences found in Surin province. The exhibition starts from about 2,000–1,500 years ago, to Dvaravati culture, which began around the 12th -13th Buddhist centuries, to Khmer culture, which began around the 12th -18th Buddhist centuries, until Ayutthaya period in the 24th Buddhist centuries. The exhibition is to show the condition of Surin that found in each period. Also, there is a simulation of life and the 2nd ritual burial during prehistoric, a simulation of antiquities, art objects in the Khmer period and Dvaravati period found in Surin, and historic site models.
Exhibition zone 3: Historical of Surin Province

This section presents the history of Surin Province started from when Khuy people helped catching the white elephants and returned them to Ayutthaya. By that laurel, Surin is awarded to be a city. Then, the story is followed by a reform period of the government into the system of sanitation and democracy. This zone also presents history about Surin in several aspects such as economy, society, population, and education. The exhibition has simulated the events in the history of Surin, such as catching the elephant, train arriving in Surin, market in the early day, and education in the past, to let the audience learn the history of Surin from the past to the present days more clearly.
Exhibition zone 4: Ethnology

This zone presents a history of 3 groups of people in Surin, including Khuy people, who were the people with the ability to catch and train elephants, the original Khmer villagers, who have been living in Surin since the 12th - 13th Buddhist centuries or perhaps earlier, and the Lao people who migrated to Surin during the 22nd Buddhist century. The exhibit simulates the way people lived through models of houses, ceremony models of Thai Khuy and Thai Khmer, photos and drawings on the traditions and living conditions of the Thai Lao people living in Surin, to provide cultural background of each group that becomes Surin people in the present days.
Exhibition zone 5: Excellent Heritage

This zone presents several cultural heritages of Surin, including art workssuch as how to produce silverware and silk weaving, local shows like Reum show (traditional dancing), Jreang play, folk music like Kantrum band and Mahoree band, and elephant show that is the key feature of Surin. Antiquities, artworks, models, pictures, videos, and CD players are used to stimulate the local shows, information about benefits of local handicrafts, and the atmosphere of the elephant village to present the audience the heritage of Surin that has been existed from the past and continues to be present. |